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Nieuwe Oogst
Nieuwe Oogst The Nieuwe Oogst Magazine picked up our news and published an interesting article about Plasma Activated Water. You find the full article here:Nieuwe Oogst article
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Seed Treatment Plasma Activated Water
Lightning disinfects seeds, naturally! By: Marcel Bruins EUROPEAN-SEED.COM I EUR OPEAN SEED I 39Quiz question: what is the name of the fourth state of matter after solid, liquid, and gas? It’s plasma! And did you know that it makes up 99 per cent of our universe? What if we told you that there is now...
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Eye Openers BNR
Podcast Plasma Activated Water Today the podcast about VitalFluid will be broadcasted online. Paul Leenders CEO of VitalFluid, Jim van Ruijven MSc researcher at Wageningen University & Research and Marcel van haren from FME will be explaining the possibilities of Plasma Activated Water. Please follow below links to hear the story.BNR Nieuwsradio:
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2 MLN Investment in VitalFluid   The Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij and VDL Participaties, part of VDL Groep, are investing in VitalFluid together. This company, located on the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, uses the groundbreaking plasma technology to reduce the use of chemical pesticides and to offer a sustainable alternative to artificial fertilizers. The financial...
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1 mln Euro Subsidy We are very excited to announce we are granted a REACT EU subsidy from the European Union and the Netherlands, with a total projectbudget of 1,8 mln Euro. With this financial boost we will further develop our sustainable plasma technology. The aim of this project is to create a unit which...
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First arrival Freya 1.0 The arrival of the first Freya Natural Nitrogen Unit 1.0 is here! This unit is produced at VDL Groep in Helmond. We are very proud of this important milestone. Polo van Ooij and Paul Leenders started developing plasma technology in 2014. After years of development and a rapidly growing company, plasma technology is...
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30-40% more yield in cucumber cultivation
30-40 more yield Cucumber Cultivation USDA OrganicVitalFluid Natural Nitrogen as a Nutrient for CucumbersGoal:                  What is the effect of VitalFluid Natural Nitrogen in USDA-organic cucumber cultivation versus                                  traditional cultivation with “normal...
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Plasma Activated Water in USDA-organic fertilization  PDF of trial WUR PAW in USDA-organic fertilization
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Sustainable Farming
Demo at the WUR Natural Nitrogen of VitalFluid can be produced with zero Carbon footprint.Therefore, this product is a good alternative of the nitrate fertilizer made by the principles of Haber-Bosch. Sustainable agriculture is part of the discussions at the demonstration of VitalFluid Natural Nitrogen. At the Wageningen University & Reseach in Bleiswijk 12 growers...
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"Plants don't lie!" “Plants don’t lie!” These were the words used by a USA grower during his inspection of the cucumbers in our test greenhouse Keijzers in the Netherlands. He is one of USA’s largest organic growers of cucumbers and is keen on using VitalFluid’s natural nitrogen for his USDA organic cultivation.VitalFluid B.V. is testing...
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